Oct 23, 2008

mArI mEmJawAB

2 arie lps aku dpt kertas soalan lg, dr jauh nie wehhh jgn main2 ko sebrang laut tau ahakksss tau r skang nie musim EXAM, ko campak kt aku 1 kn huhu...papepun thank r sK8
sib sng jerk, kompen 100% r nie ahakksss cam biodata pn ade gak weh, teringat lak zaman sek ren dulukn hehe

jom korg layannnnnn


[01] Real name: Hamidah Ismail
[02] Nickname: ll Mid ll Midah ll Adik ll Cupid
[03] Married: Single maaa
[04] Gender: Female lorr
[05] High School: SMK Kuala Kubu Bharu
[06] College: Kolej Yayasan Melaka
[07] Height: 164 cm
[08] Weight: 47 kg
[09] Do you like yourself: absolutely maaa
[10] Piercings: Skarang x..dh sebu hehe
[11] Right or left: -
[12] Are you a freak : don't think so...
[13] Hair: ll black ll long ll straight
[14] Skin: Sawo Matang kot hehe
[15] Allergic: None
[16] What are you doing now: typing
[17] What will you doing 1 hour later: continue my work (kononnnnn)
[18] What will you doing 10 years later: become a gudmummy + gudwife + bisnesswomen (insyaallah)

[19] Live with mother/father/parents: no..live wiz my friends
[20] Siblings(included you): 3
[21] Eldest: Big Bro -Along-
[22] Youngest: Of course la ME that y r my nickname adik
[23] Love/hate your family: luv them so much

[24] You found your another half: Yup
[25] If yes, who is he/she: My super duper luvly Mr. Bie hehe
[26] If no, who you want he/she to be: -
[27] Time(s) you in relationship: 19,560 hours kot haha
[28] Ever woo boy/girl: shy...shy..lorr :-P
[29] Anyone woo you before: no comment hehe

[30] Did anything wrong to your other half: secret maaa
[31] What was/were the wrong you had done: kn dh ckp..SECRET hehe
[32] Ever argue with your other half: sumtime lorr hehe
[33] You with your other half since: 2006
[34] Are you straight/Lesbo: straight maaa
[35] Reasons you love your other half: no reason ok!!!
[36] You and your other half in which stage: step to the new world ahakkss
[37] You woo he/she or he/she woo you: both of us haha
[38] Ever think of marry he/she: absolutely YES maaa

[39] Your first best friend: Mek..name sedap die MURSHIDAH hehe...igt lg ker die kt aku??hoho
[40] Your first enemy: dak laki ms sek ren...die jahat...
[41] The friends you love the most: all my friends
[42] The enemy you hate the most(1only): xde r sampai benci...menyampah jerk
[43] Your most beautiful girl friend: sume cantik2 maa
[44] Your most handsome boy friend: sume ansom2 maa
[45] The kind of girl you hate the most: ll gedik ll hipokrit ll mulut tempayan ll
[46] The kind of boy you hate the most: ll penipu ll buaya ll putar alam ll
[47] You fall in love with your close friend before: no comment
[48] Your best friend is your ex-lover: nope
[49] If your friend backstabbing you: wat xtau jerk ngan die dh..lantak ko r
[50] If your friend betray you: wat xtau gak...
[51] If your friend woo your lover: tarik jambul die...
[52] If your friends fall in love with you: no comment
[53] If you fall in love with your best friend: campak rase tue jauh2 sbb xnk ilang die,kwn lbh baik :-)

[54] Are you a good student: ask my teacher lorr
[55] You always done your homeworks/assignments: yup...
[56] The teacher/tutor you love the most: cikgu KARIM, sbb die r aku suke accounts hehe
[57] Always late to school/college: sumtimes..pnh kt kolej dlu,class en. NORMAN aku n ija lmbt time ujian lak tue..die kunci pintu n ngan slamber nyer kitorg balik tidorr hahah xkose den nk mrayu2..last2 amik gak ujian tue haha
[58] Your class: UBS ker IA x slp luper r...
[59] You love your seniors: ade r sorg dua hehe
[60] Senior who you love the most: kak Nas hehe malu2 kucing aku time jumpe die hehe
[61] Your classmates good/bad: campur2
[62] Excellent result classmate: x igt r..aku kot haha haruslah puji diri sendiri ok!!!
[63] Laziest classmate: aku jugak haha haruslah ngaku ok!!

[64] Smart people: ll My Bie ll My dad ll My brother
[65] Stupid people: sape yg rase die stupid sila angkat kaki
[66] Good looking people:
ll My Bie ll My dad ll My brother
[67] Ugly people: korg tgk cite KU MILIKMU x? org yg mcm CIK KIRANA tipu hehe
[68] Funny people: Mr. Bean
[69] Cute people: Baby
[70] Bad people: Geng ALONG n etc
[71] Honest people: donno lor
[72] Acting people: donno gak lor
[73] You are what kind of people: korg rase??
xtau?? so meh r knl ngan aku hehe

[74] Lip or eyes: Both
[75] Hugs or kisses: Both
[76] Shorter or taller: Mid x kisah...
[77] Hesitant or spontaneous: spontaneous
[78] Nice stomach or nice arms: Both
[79] Listener or talker: Both
[80] Romantic or rich: Romantic
[81] Good wife or Good mum: Both

[82] Age to get marry: 26 maybe insyaallah
[83] Numbers of kid(s): stakat yg mampu...terima jerk hehe
[84] Career: of course r accounts but sumtime buhsan gak huhu
[85] Salary: no comment
[86] Retirement age: no comment
[87] Properties value: no comment
[88] Wishes: dpt m'bls jasa mak abah, adik yg baik kpd along n angah, idup ngan b sampai mati n ade anak yg come2 (giler gatai dh aku nie haha) -KELUARGA BAHAGIA-

ija (bile r ko nk continue blog ko tue)
anna lipeh (frenzz x sabo nk tgu ko upload nie)

huh siap sudehhh...langsai k..jenuh gak r otak nie kene perah..korg2 yg kne list tue klu rjin wat r erk...aku x pakse..jnji ENJOYYY

jgn lupe terjah lg yerk ;P

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